Christmas is one of our FAVORITE times of the year at DeVotie! The sights, the sounds, and the time together with our families make this a special time of celebration. But more than that, the reason we celebrate Christmas is what truly sets this time of year apart. Jesus's birth set in motion a series of events that changed our world forever. Now more than ever, people all over the world are longing for hope that can only be found in Him.
We hope you will join us this Christmas season as we learn more about the real reason for Christmas and celebrate His birth together!
We hope you will join us this Christmas season as we learn more about the real reason for Christmas and celebrate His birth together!
Sunday, December 1st at 6:00pm
Join us for our annual "Hanging of the Green" service! Learn the history of the decorations we use at Christmastime while enjoying a time of worship and "decking the halls". |
December 5th at 6:30pm
Calling all ladies! Join us for a night of fun, food and encouragement at our annual Ladies' Christmas Banquet! Tickets are $12 and are on sale now. You can purchase one from any member of the women's committee. For more information, see Stacey Knight. |
December 7th at 9:00am
Join us for a morning of fun and a visit with the Big Man himself! Bring you camera and your list for Santa! We are excited to have the REAL Santa at DeVotie again this year! |
December 7th at 5:30pm
If you have a student, make sure they attend our student ministry's annual Progressive dinner! 3 houses, plenty of food, and fun!. See Joel Phillips for more info! |
![]() December 15th at 6:00pm
Our music ministry will present "The Way in a Manger" on December 15th at 6:00pm. Bring a friend and learn about the true reason we celebrate Christmas each year. Admission is free! For more information, see Brett Duncan. |
![]() December 18th at 6:30pm
Join us on December 18th at 6:30pm as we learn more about the Lottie Moon Mission offering and the missionaries it will help support. This is a potluck dinner, so brush up on your best dishes and get ready to share them with all of us! Our Lottie Moon goal this year is: $5,000 and the offering will be taken up on December 22nd. Any amount over $5,000 will be sent to our missionary partners in Cincinnati. To learn more about the Lottie Moon offering, click here! |
December 24th at 7:00pm
Each Christmas Eve, we gather as a faith family and take communion as we remember the reason we celebrate Jesus's birth and what it meant for us. This is a special, candlelit service that is the perfect moment to stop, be still, and remember the importance of Jesus's birth and eventual death on a cross for you. |