Welcome to Life Groups at DeVotie! Life Groups were created to encourage small group Bible Study and life application. We currently have four Life Groups that meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm!
Where do Life Groups Meet?
To find the Women's Life Group, enter through the Welcome Center (in the back of the church) and use the elevator or stairs to proceed to the choir room.
To join the Men's Life Group, enter through the Welcome Center (in the back of the church). The Men's class meets in the first classroom on the right past the elevator.
To be a part of "Dwell", our College & Career Group, proceed to the upstairs portion of Building B. The side parking lot is the closest parking to this area.
The Co-Ed Adult Group meets in the downstairs portion of Building B. The side parking lot is the closet parking to this area.
Those attending DYG (DeVotie Youth Group) will enter Building C and proceed upstairs to the youth room.
Wednesday night children's activities include nursery, preschool activities and Team Kids for elementary students. All of these activities meet in Building C.
To join the Men's Life Group, enter through the Welcome Center (in the back of the church). The Men's class meets in the first classroom on the right past the elevator.
To be a part of "Dwell", our College & Career Group, proceed to the upstairs portion of Building B. The side parking lot is the closest parking to this area.
The Co-Ed Adult Group meets in the downstairs portion of Building B. The side parking lot is the closet parking to this area.
Those attending DYG (DeVotie Youth Group) will enter Building C and proceed upstairs to the youth room.
Wednesday night children's activities include nursery, preschool activities and Team Kids for elementary students. All of these activities meet in Building C.