We are excited to return on campus for worship. In order to ensure that everyone is able to worship and learn while still staying safe, we have put a few procedures and policies in place. If you choose to remain at home, we understand! Our 11am Sunday service will be streamed live on Youtube weekly.
Guidelines for services
- Doors will open at 10:30am
- Our worship service may be enjoyed live in the sanctuary. Attendees who are uneasy joining us in the sanctuary may watch the live stream in the fellowship hall.
- Rear parking lot will be reserved for those who are high-risk or those who need to utilize the elevator
- Front and side parking lots are available for anyone
- The Welcome Center entrance will be reserved for those who are high-risk or those who need to utilize the elevator
- The front doors of the sanctuary will be available for use by all others
- Please limit elevator use to those who need help with accessibility to the sanctuary
- Limited restroom use (please go before you come!) Please use the available disinfectant as you leave the restroom
- Because we will only have on service per week now, offering envelopes and pens will be available in the pew racks again and offering baskets will be placed at exits. Please take the pen with you!
- PLEASE continue to social distance by leaving 6 feet between each family/individual
- Single-use worship guides will be available at each service
- No children's activities will take place at this time
- Service will be live streamed on Youtube
- Masks are welcome and hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the church
- If you are experiencing signs of illness such as a fever, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive, or YOU have tested positive, please stay home and join us on Facebook